It has been quite quite some time since I visit Johor Bahru. I had to make use of this opportunity to go Johor before school starts officially and less time to travel around.

Sick of shopping in City Sqaure, Plaza Pelangi and Taman Sentosa. Hence, I decided to go further away from the town area- To look for delicious food and shopping! I found another place: Sutera Mall. It was rather far away from the city area and I’m not very sure where to alight and luckily I met a lady on the bus and she was helpful enough to give me the directions and I finally found the mall after 15 mins of walking under the hot sun! Judging from the spped that I was walking, I took 15 mins but i think those who walk at a normal pace would take about 1/2 hr!

Sutera Mall is quite huge and I would say is a fashion paradise. At least 70% of the shops here are selling clothes, shoes and bags and of course there’s a Carrefour here! There’s only 4 western restaurant here – EL MIGOS, SEASON’S CAFE, VIVO PIZZA & STARROCKS. I decided to try the EL MIGOS restaurant as the menu features Mexican cuisines! VIVO PIZZA & SESAON’S CAFE can be found at City Square so no point trying them.


EL MIGOS Speicalises in Mexican Quesadillas and I love mexican food, especially tortillas and Quesadillas! Actually there is a ”no photography” policy here but I hecked care and took pictures all over.


Besides Mexican Quesadillas, they do have western food such as chicken chop, baked rice, pastas(veg & non-veg), desserts ..etc. However I was quite interested in the pizzadillas and the Sushidillas. It sounds rather interesting and hence I decided to order the Sushidillas (fresh herbs & salad) .



        Sushidillas (fresh herbs & salad) served with nachos and salsa (RM 15.90)


Forget about mexican quesadillas, try this sushidillas instead. Tortillas filled with fresh salads, Pineapple cubes and shreds of eggs and green pesto spread…. whoosh! so healthy! 

The tortilla rolls were wrapped with fresh salad leaves and served with nachos chips and side salsa. Basically it’s just salad leaves but it is quite delicious as I love the green pesto spread.


                                              Espresso Ice-cream (RM 6.90)


What is the ”must-have” for me during a hot & sunny day? Ice-cream! I had this ice-cream with espresso. Even though I do not like coffee but I like the milky taste of this espresso.

When the person served this to me, I thought the ice-cream had melted. However, he told me that the scoop of  ice-cream is actually ”buried” underneath the espresso. How ”suay-ku” I am! Anyway, the espresso is quite ok but lacks the foam.

I would definately come back again since the food is quite acceptable and moreover the prices are in RM! Worth it!


Sutera Mall L2 (JB)

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